Marching Out Together

The official group for Leeds United’s LGBTQ+ fans, proud allies and friends

*ALL* Leeds, aren’t we…!

To find out more about the group and join us, see the About page and complete the form with your contact details.

Pride & visibility

For our first members’ newsletter of the new season our member Emma wrote about taking the plunge for their first outing with the group at Leeds Pride, including a special members’ tour of Elland Road and joining us on the parade.

Click the button below to read about Emma’s experience and why visibility is so important.


Marching Out group with flags behind our large banner in SW corner at Elland Road
New signing Ellie White smiling and holding the new home shirt in front of the ‘Side before self every time’ banner at ER

Ready for kick-off!

LUFC Women are gearing up for the new season, starting with the Julie Chipchase Trophy on Sunday 4th August and the FAWNL league kick-off on Sunday 18th at home v Huddersfield Town.

AND a trio of new signings… so far!


Proud of Leeds and Pride!

Leeds Pride 2024 was a fabulous day and a great success for us, with activities across the city and weekend, as well as the centrepiece Pride parade on Sunday.

We are extremely grateful for the support of LUFC, and everyone who supported us, marched with us and cheered us on. Click the button below for our review of the event.


MOT group at pride with banners and large parade crowd behind
Leeds Pride crowd in Millenium Square with huge wave-like rainbow banner

It’s Leeds Pride Weekend!

At last Leeds Pride weekend is here - once again sponsored by Leeds Utd but this time no clash with a game!

We have a packed weekend: here’s where to find us. (And members, see your emails for separate details of our social meet-up, and exclusive tour of Elland road.)

Saturday 20th July: 11am – 3pm
We will have a stall at the Leeds LGBT+ Marketplace being held at Brodrick Hall, Leeds Museum, Millenium Square. We will be giving out information about our group and also showing our support for other LGBT+ organisations. This will also be your first chance to enter our exclusive pride raffle where you could win a signed 2023/2024 Rainbow Ball.  

Saturday 20th July: 4pm
We are very proud and honoured that our board member Mark Umpleby has helped put together a very special Pride Celebration Service at Leeds Minster. Everyone – of any faith or none – is very welcome to join a service of reflection, poetry, prayer, music and fun starting with a drinks reception in the Minster at 4pm with the service starting at 4.30pm. We will be joined by the Lord Mayor of Leeds. Click here for more information.

Sunday 21st July - The Leeds Pride parade

This is earlier this year, setting off at 12pm. We are gathering from 11.30am, outside Cathedral House near the top of Great George Street, which is towards the back of the parade. Look out for the Leeds United and Marching Out Together flags. As always, if you have one, please wear a Leeds Shirt - accessorised of course with as many Pride and Rainbow trimmings as you like - but worry not if you don’t, please just come as you are.

After the parade, we also have a stall within the marketplace area of the Leeds Pride site at Leeds Bridge right next to the heart of all the celebrations on Lower Briggate. Please come find us and say hi. Again we will have things to give away (first come first served), a raffle and a friendly smile.

Have a great Pride, everyone!

More on Pride - 21st July

LUFC have given further confirmation of their sponsorship of Leeds Pride on 21st July. We are especially proud that the club recognise Marching Out Together as the official LGBTQ+ fan group, and are grateful for their strong support throughout the year.

This actively recognises how Pride “will celebrate the diversity within the city and also act as a platform for education whilst highlighting the ongoing fight for quality and inclusion” and that “the club will continue to support and help where possible to ensure members of the LGBTQ+ community feel empowered to be their true selves.”


Rainbow corner flag at ER
FAWNL Table with LUFC 6th

Women finish in 6th

It was a disappointing end to a frustrating and weather-disrupted season for LUFC Women, finishing 6th behind champions Hull,  but Jess Rousseau - with 25 goals from 27 appearances – was top scorer.

We are already discussing how we can continue our active support to LUFC Women throughout the season to come.


Frankie & Troy in LUFC shirts with a smiling Jermaine Beckford at Leeds Pride 22

Frankie & Troy’s story

We recently shared with our members a message we received recently from two of them, Frankie and Troy. We are touched by what the guys have said here, and proud that the group is having a real and positive impact.


LUFC sponsor Pride again

We are thrilled to be able to confirm that Leeds Utd are again sponsoring LEEDS PRIDE, which this year will take place on Sunday 21st July… and without any clash with the new season’s kick-off!

LUFC’s sponsorship means that we will once again be able to play a prominent part in the day’s celebrations, and we are already talking to the club about the detail of their support and what we can plan for the day.

Our Chair Stephen said “It’s fantastic that the club are sponsoring Leeds Pride for yet another year, and it makes a massive difference to our presence. It is a really public and visible statement by the club, and tangible evidence of their genuine commitment to making Elland Road a more welcoming and inclusive place for LGBTQ+ fans, and everyone in the community. We are incredibly proud of the club’s involvement in Pride, and support for us throughout the year”.

Make a note of the date – Sunday 21st July – and once the season is concluded, lookout for more news on our plans for what will be a fabulous day.


Graphic with “Infrastructure Sponsor Announcement” and large LUFC logo with Leeds pride and M-Out logos below
Graphic with rainbow logos of Sheffield Utd, LUFC, Sheff Weds, Rotherham, Chesterfield, Mansfield & Forest groups, on black background

Regional Alliance Update

At our board this month, our chair Wiggy updated us on activity with the Yorks & North Notts Regional Alliance of LGBTQ+ fans’ groups. Stephen had just attended the latest meeting where M-Out had led a discussion on group structure, leadership and membership management.

The group has regular meetings covering monthly activity updates, as well as quarterly development clinics where the focus is on best practice for organisation, governance, and member & community engagement.

We believe we are all ‘stronger together’ and are proud to be playing a leading role in the Alliance and to share our experience as one of the more established and active groups.


Student Voice conference at ER

Two of our board members, Maz and Mark, took part in a major student voice conference on ‘Championing Mental Health and Welcoming Inclusion’. The event was hosted by Leeds United Foundation in the Gary Speed and Eddie Gray Suites in the East Stand at Elland Road.  The students and staff attending were all from schools who are part of the Outwood Grange Academies Trust representing a community of over 31,000 school students of all ages.

Mark presented to the conference about the work of Marching OutTogether. Mark talked about the reason our group was set up and how we work to try and enable all from the LGBTQ+ community to feel welcome at Leeds United… and in football as a whole!

The day also included some other great input from:

Burley Banksy - Andy McVeigh - who shared some of his very personal and moving life story and then art workshops

Pat Sowa who talked of her own personal experience of loss and the work of StarFish

Thomas Wales talking about Pride Wakefield

Andi Cope on the work of Spectrum

We all shared in a really lively and interesting Q and A with the students.

The day also included a short tour of the ground including students seeing our Marching Out Together Flag in situ in the south-west corner of the ground. We talked about why this visibility is so powerful and photos were taken with the flag.

All the students were challenged then to take back to their schools what they had heard and look at a project to bring back to a follow-up conference back at LUFC in July.


Group of students and staff with the M-Out flag in SW corner of ER
Maz and Mark discussing the importance of the Rainbow Ball with Patrick Bamford and LUTV’s Emma Jones at Thorp Arch

LGBT+ History Month ‘24

We have had a very active LGBT+ History month this year, with board members Maz and Mark celebrating the EFL’s launch of their Rainbow Ball with Patrick Bamford at Thorp Arch, member Roisin playing a starring role in the EFL’s launch video, and a stall at Leeds LGBTQ+ Marketplace.

Board member John has also been reflecting on a timeline from Justin Fashanu to Robbie Rogers and Luke Ayling, and how these campaign events can help imporve understanding and bring change. Click the button below to read more.


Zero tolerance of hate

LUFC have made a very clear and strong statement on homophobic chanting in advance of the upcoming FA match away at Chelsea, including a specific reference to the ‘rent boy’ chant which has been very clearly defined as a homophobic slur and hate crime.

We are sad that this is still necessary, but welcome the club and authorities’ unequivocal position.

Click below to read the statement, and visit our Issues page for why it matters.


Rainbow corner flag under floodlights at Elland Road

Louie Herbert

The team at Marching Out Together were deeply saddened this week to hear of the death of Louie Herbert, one of our members, and son of our board member Mick Ward.

Louie was just 41 and as well as a life-long Leeds fan was a tireless campaigner for inclusion, diversity and equality and will be missed by all of us fighting for a better world.

Louie would not have liked the attention of a ‘one minute clap’ at Elland Road, and Mick encouraged fellow fans to pause at 41 minutes during the Leicester game, to think about what we can do more to fight for equality and to give the team an extra cheer, which meant a lot to us all here at MOT and Louie’s friends and family.

And on the evening of the home match against Stoke City on Tuesday 5 March (1 – 0 win) Louie’s dad Mick Ward (@mickmodern) said a few words at the Bremner statue outside Elland Road, watched by friends and members of Marching Out Together. Read Mick’s tribute ‘Louie, Leeds United, Activism and Football’ here.

23.02.24, updated 5.03.24

Photo is of Louie sat at home laughing and proudly holding up his Marching Out Together scarf
Mick & Maz pitchside with M-Out banner at garforth

Women back in action!

After a frustrating spell of cup disappointments followed by multiple cancelled matches due to the weather, it was a Winning New Year for LUFC Women, with an impressive 4-2 comeback win over Doncaster Rovers belles.

We were there, and will continue to support LUFC Women whenever we can.


AGM & Report 2023

Before kickoff against Middlesborough this Saturday we were honoured to be guests of the club in the Boardroom at Elland Road for our Annual General Meeting. Our Chair Wiggy talked everyone through our activities and successes in what has been another fabulous year (see the report below).

Wiggy also updated us on a meeting we had with Chief Executive Angus Kinnear this week, during which Angus invited us to contribute to the Working Group the club have established to work on the action plan in response to the recent FA report and sanction on the regrettable chanting during the Brighton game last summer.


M-Out group in Pride tops and Rainbow Laces warm-up shirts, posed in boardroom as if Maz is signing for the club
  Teo actors in Top Man LUFC shorts, deep in conversation and on resting on the other’s knee

‘Two Tribes’ play by Simon Castle

We are very proud to have played a part in supporting the development of a new play ‘Two Tribes’, which was given its northern premiere on 22 November at Leeds Playhouse.

The play is set in Leeds and tells the story of two street-fighting lads who fall in secret love, and is best described as ‘when Heartstopper meets This is England’.

Click here for the full story and a review by our member Emma

Picture - Cian O'Riain    


Group of adults and children with M-Out white and rainbow banners, on the pitch under floodlights before kick-off

Rainbow Laces - 10 years

This week was the 10th anniversary of Stonewall’s “Rainbow Laces” campaign, and we were thrilled to make a guard of honour by the tunnel when the teams ran out on Wednesday evening for the match against Swansea. And again on Saturday the game against Middlesborough was designated the official Rainbow Laces fixture.

Click the button below to read our Chair Wiggy sum up why this is so important; and click here for information from Stonewall on ‘Rainbow Laces’.


Support for all  

In solidarity with all our LGBTQ+ friends and supporters, as well as fellow fans’ groups, we wish to put on record how abhorrent we find recent remarks from some politicians and prominent figures targeting our community and especially our Trans friends.

Everyone has a right to live in peace and safety, without fear, discrimination or abuse. Regardless of where they come from, how they define themselves, or who they love.

Prejudice and exclusion have no place in football or our wider society. We will continue to work with LUFC and with our partners in the city towards a safer and more inclusive environment, and to fight hate wherever we see it.


Graphic of Progress Pride flag
Rainbow corner-flag atElland rd

Statement on FA fine

Please click the button below to read our statement on today’s decision by the FA to sanction LUFC for homophobic chanting at our game vs Brighton in March.


Regional Alliance launch

We are proud to be a founder member of a new Regional LGBTQ+ Supporters’ Group Alliance which will

  • Share best practice

  • Offer peer-to-peer support

  • Explore joint events

  • Empower groups to reach their potential

Click below for more info and the launch announcement.


Marching Out group with players, banners & flags at Pride 22

Leeds Pride update

We are finalising our plans for this year’s Pride (sponsored again by LUFC) and would love as many members and friends & supporters to join us as possible.

Saturday 5 Aug we will be at LGBT+ Hub Marketplace in Broderick Hall (City Museum) between 11.00-4.00pm

Sunday 6 Aug for the parade we will be meeting from 1.15-1.45pm at the junction of Calverley St/Gt George St (back corner of the Town Hall nearest Millenium Sq); parade starts at 2.15pm

After the parade you will find us upstairs in Bowers Tap, Lower Briggate to watch the end of the LUFC v Cardiff match and take in all the atmos of the Pride stage!

You will also see us at Elland Road, including on the pitch before ko (members see your email if you would like to join us).

Get in touch at for more info


LUFC to sponsor Pride 23

We are thrilled that LUFC have once again confirmed their premium sponsorship of Leeds Pride, which takes place on the same day as our opening match against Cardiff, on Sunday 6th August. Following the historic attendance at Pride last year of Luke Ayling and legends Jermaine Beckford and Noel Whelan this is further evidence of the active work at the club to improve equality and inclusion for everyone.

Click the button below to read more, and look out for our updates on activity on the day at Pride and Elland Road.


LUFC Women 2023/24

Two big announcements this week with publication of the FAWNL Div 1 North fixtures and a move for home games to Garforth Town.

Click on the link at the top of the page for more info.



We have been working hard on our plans for Leeds Pride, especially after the fabulous support from Luke Ayling and other legends last year. So we are extremely disappointed to see that LUFC’s first home match has been scheduled for TV not only on the same day, but kicking off within a half-hour of the LeedsPride Parade.

This means that many of our members and friends will be forced to choose between supporting the team or the parade. It also gives our team some logistical problems, but we WILL be at Pride.

We are talking to LUFC and discussing a number of options. Please look out for our updates here and on our social media.


Pride Month

To kick off Pride Month 2023 we are delighted that leading people & talent specialists Charlton Morris invited us back following our visit to talk to their team last year. This time we met pre-match at Elland Road and talked about why our work matters, and the special power football can have to bring change.

We are really grateful to CM for their support for us, and wider activity promoting equality & inclusion.

Click the button below to see more (and CM’s fundraiser for us!).

And look out for upcoming news about our plans for Leeds Pride in August…


Luke Ayling - Champion!

We are thrilled to see that Luke Ayling has been recognised as LUFC’s PFA Community Champion of the Year. Luke became the first-ever active Premier League player to walk with fans at a Pride event when he joined us last summer, and recalls “Taking part in Leeds Pride was a real highlight, …and I know that it meant a lot to our LGBTQ+ fans”.

Luke has been a star for many other reasons too: click below for  the club’s release and Luke’s comments.


Cup Winners !

LUFC Women have had a faltering season in the league, but two great cup runs culminating in a win in the FA Womens National League Plate.

United deservedly won 3-1 over Stourbridge Women, who play in the Midlands division of the same tier as LUFC but who are comfortably top of their league.

This was a fully-deserved win for the entire team, and especially for the long-serving trio across the back of Olivia Smart, Bridie Hannon and Cath Hammil.

We were at the game and will continue our support; and we hope this success is a springboard for even greater support and development by the club, with more trophies in years to come.


Screenshot of 11 Mar tweets

Please, stop the chants

Sadly, our home match with Brighton & Hove Albion was marred again by the tired and offensive chanting from part of the home crowd, and we are raising this with the club.

Click the button below for our comment and see these links for further coverage in YEP and Pink News.


Supporting LUFC Women (and Tadcaster Albion!)

Earlier this season LUFC withdrew the option to sponsor a player, which we have been proud to do for a number of years. We wanted to continue to show our support for the team, and so have taken out an advertising board at Tadcaster.

We are delighted too that this gives some support to Tadcaster Albion - win, win!


FA logo

FA & Discriminatory chants

The FA have belatedly written to clubs making it clear that they view discriminatory chanting as a breach of their rules, referring explicitly to the ‘Rent Boy’ chant which has been heard at high-profile games recently. We fully agree with their statement that

“These chants can have a lasting and damaging impact on people and communities within our game, and it must stop.”

We will continue to work with Leeds United and our partners on this matter until we are allowed to enjoy the game and support Leeds United just like every other fan.


It’s Arsenal in FA Cup R4!

After a third cup win against higher-league opposition LUFC Women have earned a thoroughly-deserved 4th Round Vitality FA Cup tie away to WSL Arsenal - Beth Mead, Leah Williamson and others. Match to be played at Borehamwood on Sun 29 Jan.

Qatar World Cup 2022

For the duration of the World Cup in Qatar we are changing our online profiles to monochrome in support of the LGBTQ+ community there, and to highlight that football is not a sport in which to have pride when it still excludes so many people.

For our position click here.

For information on the ‘No Pride Without All’ campaign click here.

AGM - Chair’s report

This week we held our AGM and our Chair Wiggy gave his annual report.

“This has been our most active and successful year since launching. We continue to work hard to support our members, and to provide a safe and understanding space where members can enjoy their support of LUFC and football more widely. With LUFC now re-established in the Premier League and featuring international players, with the active support of the club, and with growing media recognition we are also making a positive contribution to establishing a more prominent voice for the LGBT+ community in the club and local communities, and to advance progress towards a more tolerant and inclusive environment.”


Image  of peacock mural, Pride group, and Rainbow Laces group

Rainbow Laces 2022

This has been quite a year: first our fabulous mural, then Leeds Pride was awesome, and now we are just getting our breath back after an equally epic ‘Rainbow Laces’ week! Check out the highlights, and visit here to see why this campaign week matters. All year round.

For our Rainbow Laces fixture against Fulham the club invited us to form a guard of honour as the teams ran out onto the pitch. We wrote a piece for the official match programme which also appeared on the club website, and although print deadlines meant Angus Kinnear’s notes only appeared online he talked about “our collaboration with relentlessly passionate supporters group Marching Out Together”.

Our Chair Wiggy joined the official Leeds Utd Podcast to talk about Rainbow Laces and spoke movingly about his own journey as a gay supporter who had lost and then rediscovered his place at Elland Road.

Board double-act Mick and Maz joined Brenden Aaronson and LUFC Women skipper Becky Bass at the request of LUFC Foundation for a workshop at Leeds Beckett Uni with U16 girls players on the importance of inclusion in sport and rainbow Laces.

And a huge highlight was when the club invited us to Thorp Arch to join Patrick Bamford filming a piece for Barclays Football about the importance of community involvement in football. See the full video here, including an interview with our board member Mish: as well as our team having a kickabout with Patrick this piece had a lot of coverage on social media and Sky TV played it during coverage of the Liverpool v Leeds broadcast (1-2 win for us!) at the end of the week.

Not a bad week for a small group!


Reflecting on Pride 22

The return of Leeds Pride and the involvement of the club this year has been a big achievement for us.

We still hear people say “Pride? Really? Why do we even need all that, these days…?”

We wrote about the protest-march origins of Pride, why it is still vital to re-assert LGBT+ people’s rights to equality, and why the support of straight allies matters. Luke Ayling, Jermaine Beckford and Noel Whelan joining us was especially powerful.

When we have these events the vast majority of responses are supportive, and we have had some lovely comments, thank-you. But (and especially when LUFC post on LGBT+ inclusion) we still see many questioning the need, and some are directly hostile and abusive. Still. In 2022.

One noticeable thing around Leeds Pride: we haven’t needed to challenge any hostility because you have done it on our behalf. Thankyou for your support, we DO note it, and all your voices are bringing change more quickly than we can on our own.

Our policy is that social media is not the right place to discuss complex issues. But we welcome dialogue: we are always open to genuine conversations to explore different views and perspectives & address any misunderstandings (online, or in person).

Finally: the Chief Exec and Directors of LUFC support and encourage us. So do the staff, players, academy & LUFC Women. Also LUFC Supporters Trust and Disabled Association, ‘The Square Ball’ fanzine, ‘Roaring Peacocks’ podcast & many more bodies across the city.

And we are proud of that; proud of *OUR* club. #MOT #ALAW


Groiup at Pride with banner and players
Marching Out members with banner and flags at Leeds Pride

Pride is back…!

…and it means more than just a fun parade, face-paints and whistles.

Click the button below to see why it matters so much, and this year especially.

Leeds Utd to sponsor Pride

We are delighted to announce jointly with Leeds Utd that the club are once again sponsoring Leeds Pride, the centrepiece of which will be the Pride Parade - in its 17th year - on Sunday 7th August.

This will be a fantastic way to celebrate the start of the new season… in the Premier League!

LUFC Women celebrate lifting Julie Chipchase Trophy

New season, new manager

LUFC Women have announced the appointment as manager of Rick Passmore, in his second spell at the club.

And the fixtures have been announced for the 22/23 season starting with a home fixture (played at Tadcaster Albion) on Sunday 21 August against Hull City.


National Diversity Awards

We are proud and honoured to have been nominated in the category for Community Organisation Award for LGBT.

You can vote for us here and voting is open until 20 May, with judging taking place before the awards event in September.

We don’t just focus on football and LUFC: scroll down to the stories below or the links at the top of this site, and click on the voting link to see our profile summary. And for more information download our AGM report from last autumn.

Thankyou so much to those of you who have already voted: your support and comments really do mean a lot to us.


4th place for LUFC Women

The season comes to a close for LUFC Women with a 4th place finish and LOTS to be proud of. Click the button below to read more.

We are proud to have sponsored top-scoring striker Laura Bartup, send our best wishes to everyone for a well-earned break over the summer, and are looking forward to the new season.


Our mural & artist CBloxx

Now that our mural is complete, we would like to put on record our deep appreciation for the work of Jay Gilleard, also known as international street-artist CBloxx.

This is a breathtaking piece of art, the technical execution has been fascinating to observe, and they have created something which perfectly captures what we wanted to achieve, both as a landmark for the city and for the values it represents.

Thankyou Jay, and #ALAW

Click the button below to see the story of the mural and creative notes.


A cup final for LUFC Women

Click the button below for more info, and bring your support - it can make a huge difference in a one-off cup final!

There are other chances to see LUFC Women very soon: the last time they will play at Tacdaster Albion this season is Sunday 3rd April in a rematch against Norton & Stockton, and then the final Home tie of this FAWNL Div 1 North campaign will see the team run out at Elland Road on Sunday 10th April (tickets via the club website).


Mural update

We are thrilled to say that work on our landmark Marching Out Together LUFC LGBT+ mural will begin on the weekend of 26-27 March.

The mural is being created by Yorkshire & worldwide street artist CBloxx, who co-produced the spectacular ‘Athena Rising’ on the Platform building above Leeds City Station. We will share the artwork and explain its message and concepts with you as CBloxx produces it… but don’t expect a LUFC badge in rainbow colours or a football with a rainbow over it: the artwork is WAY more subtle and meaningful than that and we can’t wait to share it with you. Look out for updates here and on our socials!


Marcelo Bielsa holding Marching Out banner with members at Thorp Arch

Marcelo Bielsa

Everyone here is saddened at the news regarding Marcelo Bielsa and Leeds United. We would like to put on record our deep gratitude to Mr Bielsa and wish him the very best for the future.

This is not only for the promotion back to the Premier League and all the beautiful football, but also for his values, integrity and humility, and the very special spirit and unity he brought back to our club. Marcelo Bielsa will always be treasured here.

It is our role now to stick together and support the team and new manager Jesse Marsch to ensure that they secure our Premier League status and build for more success in coming seasons.

We march on. Together.


Leeds Utd statement on discrimination and abuse.

We are very pleased to see Leeds United’s clear and powerful statement on discrimination and abuse - of all kinds - including the plea to fans to think about the hurt which may be caused to those around them when they join in with unacceptable chants.

The statement can be found here on the club website, or click the button below to download a copy.


Cooper, Dallas & Rodrigo holding LUFC Rainbow flag

Signs of action on abuse?

In one week Aussie pro player Joshua Cavallo faced homophobic abuse during a game and had to call it out; the tedious and hurtful ‘Rent Boy’ chant was clearly audible during a televised FA Cup 3rd Round match; and comment on that prompted the CPS to re-state clearly that homophobia meets the definition of a hate-crime, and that they would prosecute if need be.

We would rather enlighten and educate than see fellow-fans barred from matches, but remain interested to see if this is a sign of new action and a potential tipping-point… or just another new-year resolution which is still a ‘wish’ next Christmas.


Part of the wider LUFC community

Leeds Utd have posted a LUTV film of their work with the community. This prominently features our Rainbow Laces campaign as well as our board member Mark in a visit to a primary school with Luke Ayling, alongside content with Tyler Roberts & LUFC Women’s Bridie Hannon, as well as the Foundation, Trust and Fans’ Foodbank.

We are really proud to be in such excellent company, and proud of the contibution we have made to the club’s genuine and active commitment to inclusion for all. We will continue this work throughout the year to come.


Reflecting on the year

As we approached the turn of the year from 2021 to 2022 we asked each of our team to reflect on the year just gone and look ahead.


Rainbow Laces 2021

Our ‘Rainbow Laces’ game this year was the win against Crystal Palace in the first week of December, but the activity goes on for much more than just that one showpiece.

Click the button below to see all that we achieved, and also the fabulous support we enjoy from the club and players across all squads.


Statement on chanting

Last night was our Rainbow Laces game. The club have actively supported the campaign again this year - with players discussing LGBT+ inclusion on podcasts and addressing schools, they have been photographed holding rainbow flags and they wore special pre-match shirts.

The board and coaching staff all wore Marching Out Together badges, and there was active promotion of Rainbow Laces on the club’s social media site - which went well beyond any requirements from the Premier League.

The powerful support offered by the club to Marching Out Together’s work lasts throughout the year; with the culture of support led from Angus Kinnear, our CEO, and supported by his senior management team.

The work we do with the club receives the support from the overwhelming majority of Leeds fans, who welcome inclusion and support for the LGBT+ community.

However, work still needs to be done, and unacceptable chanting can still occasionally be heard. The ‘rent boy’ chant last night is one example of that. It is unarguably homophobic and unacceptable at all times. We wrote a piece condemning the use of the rent boy chant and explaining why it is homophobic last year.

It was certainly regrettable to hear last night - but the club’s ongoing powerful message of support for equality resonated much stronger on a night where we could celebrate that things are changing for the better in the game of football, when it comes to LGBT+ inclusion.


Joint statement on chants

Ahead of our games with Spurs and Brighton we have today issued a joint statement together with LUST, LUDO and LUSC calling for fans to give their always outstanding support without anti-Semitic or homophobic chants or gestures.

This type of hurtful and abusive behaviour is never acceptable and we can always back the team with much more positive language.


Qatar 2022 World Cup

As football fans we are all thrilled to see England qualify comfortably for the World Cup finals in Qatar next summer, and hope to see Scotland and Wales there too.

There are significant issues with the tournament taking place in a country where LGBTQ+ people face severe discrimination and even legal sanction. We hope that the FA and England will use their platform to challenge discrimination and support the LGBTQ+ community everywhere, and we support the Kick It Out campaign.


Annual General Meeting 2021

On 7 November before the Leicester City home game we held our AGM, and were pleased to have some members attend and others by Zoom. We re-elected some of our officers and gave an update on the past year and plans for the year to come: click below for the Chair’s report.

Meet our Mick

In the September edition of ‘Shine’ magazine, board member Mick Ward gives a fasciinating and wide-ranging picture over many years of the city of Leeds, Leeds United, being an LGBT+ fan, and the work of Marching Out Together. Download a copy from the Shine website.

Real action on homophopbia with LUFC

The first few weeks of the season have seen a number of stories about homophobic abuse at matches – timely then, that Leeds United invited us to deliver LGBTQ+ training for the match day stewards for the first time. Even more so when after the Burnley away match a member reported an incident which led to the club arranging a meeting at Elland Road with the fan involved.

This is another very real example of the club actively working with MOT to continue to make Leeds United, and in particular Elland Road, inclusive for all.

Back for another season!

Leeds United are back for another Premier League season! Before looking ahead to that, here’s a reminder about just how far we came last season… on the field and for Marching Out Together…

New season, same old chants…

As the new season gets under way we are saddened again to see that homophobic chanting has raised its ugly head once more. The clubs involved, LGBT+ fans’ groups and other football bodies including ‘Kick It out’ all condemned it; and we sent our support and backing. Click below to see why it is never “just banter”.

LUFC LGBT+ Mural Update

A joint press release was issued today (11/08/21) by Leeds United FC, Marching Out Together, East Street Arts, and artist CBloxx.

See it here on the LUFC website, or click below to download a copy.

Laura Bartup - LUFC Women

We are thrilled to announce that for the coming season we will be sponsoring striker Laura Bartup.

“Pride” - more than just a parade

How much do you know about the background and meaning of “Pride” month? This festival of LGBT+ presence and achievement has a long history… and is still very much needed today - in our society and our game.

A piece written by us appeared on the official LUFC website in June, and you can see ther full version here…

Personal Stories: Andrew Tilly

We sit in the West Stand where we are surrounded by the most wonderful group of fellow season ticket holders who we have got to know over the years. They all know we are gay and are supportive. Off the pitch things have not felt so positive in many years - we have a responsible owner with great vision. And, in the future, we hope that as the club improve on so many fronts, progress will also be made on making Elland Road and following Leeds away a more welcoming experience for LGBT+ fans. I look forward to playing my role in Marching Out Together and am proud to be one of our LGBT+ representatives on the Supporters Advisory Board.

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